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Family at a Beach


Our Looked After and Adopted Children’s service is commissioned to work with children, young people and families in Post-Adoption and Special Guardianship settings across Shropshire. In addition, we are a trusted partner to an increasing number of Local Authorities, including Telford, Powys, Wolverhampton, Walsall, Stoke and beyond. Along with direct clinical work, we have considerable experience of working with the professional networks around Looked After Children and Young People. We are skilled at providing specialist therapeutic consultation and supervision to foster carers as well as to staff teams in specialist residential, inpatient and school settings.

The majority of our staff team have worked in residential care settings, providing direct therapy to children who are looked after and working with the staff teams who support these children. We are knowledgable of and experienced in the challenges that this sector faces and understand that a close, professional network is invaluable to placement stability and successful outcomes. Liaison with placing local authourities and social workers as well as staff teams are a part of the provision that we are able to offer.

We are keen to develop working partnerships with organisations who share our values and vision for a sea change in service provision and outcomes for looked after children and young people.


According to recent UK government statistics, 50% of this population meet the criteria for a possible mental health disorder and 62% are likely to have endured considerable abuse and neglect. We recognise that those in residential care will have the most acute needs, which will necessarily place a significant burden upon those trying to care for them. Timely and effective mental health assessment and treatment and therapeutic support to staff is a necessity not a luxury.

Adopted and Looked After Children/Young People: About
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